Sunday, January 9, 2011


Hi there! This is my first blog post, so please be kind to me. The first one or two of these might be a little boring as I learn the ropes and figure out a direction for this blog. What I mean by that is I'm trying to decide if I want to make this a journal as I work my way towards better health, writings of my daily (or weekly) life, or just a random silliness blog. I'm sure there's going to be quite a few of these. I think I'm mainly going for mental therapy as I just write what's on my head. In that regard, it's probably going to be long and rambling at times.

Please don't give up on me, though.

I welcome any comments and feedback that you may have. I'm generally an open person who doesn't get offended that quickly, as long as the comments are honest and constructive. I tend to ignore the trolls for what they are. I know there are a few things that will come out in this blog:
  • I tend to try to be silly. I look at it as an exercise in creativity more than anything else, other than I really like to laugh (who doesn't?)
  • There will be some R-rated material from time to time. I'm an adult who likes adult humor, but I will try to keep the raunch to a minimum and use more innuendo than anything else
  • I am often moody. Yes, I am on medication to try to keep that to a minimum, and it does pretty good. Just know that sometimes the moodiness -- especially the surliness and the darker times -- will show through at times, too
See? I'm already starting to ramble. I better get to the point (points?).

OK. Here goes. I'll start out with just a little bit about me.

I'm a mid-30's guy with 2 beautiful children, a lovely, caring and supportive wife, a house, and a desk job (computer programmer). I have varied interests which tend to go in streaks; so much so that my wife calls me "faddy" (no, not "fatty", "faddy", as in "tends to have/follow fads").

I am overweight. Morbidly so, according to my medical charts. That is the thing I want to change, the thing that is always on my mind, and that kind of thing. I don't exercise (yes, that HAS to change, too) but I do try to eat correctly. I like to follow Michael Pollan's advice in that respect and use this as my eating motto: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants. I don't always accomplish that goal, but I do okay. Mostly I try to avoid highly processed foods. I'm pretty good about doing that.

You may be wondering about the title of this blog. This is me being "faddy". When I started my new job in October, there was a local coffeeshop that had a mocha they called the Mayan Sun. It was a mocha made with brown sugar and cayenne pepper. Now, I'm a big fan of peppers in general, and spicy foods, too. So that quickly became my favorite drink. And this holiday season, Caribou Coffee has come out with a drink called the Spicy Mocha. It's almost the same thing, just a little sweeter. But I like the cayenne in my coffee so much, that's all I put in it some days. It's great! So that's the story behind the blog title. I'm not married to it and it may change some day, but for now, it'll do.

Okay. I've taken to writing a book for my first blog post. I'm going to stop for now.

::: Chris :::

Oh! One more thing. I don't have a set schedule for posts just yet. I'm not sure if this is going to be a daily, weekly, every other day, etc. For now, it's just going to be randomly posted, whenever I feel like it or whenever I feel I have something to say. I'll post it on my Twitter account (@FraaCfer) when I have a new post up.

Thanks for reading!