I am frustrated.
Why? I'm frustrated for many reasons. Let's take a look-see, shall we?
- I haven't posted to this blog as often as I'd like to. I get good topic ideas but forget to write them down. So then when I DO have time to write, I don't really have a subject. That's gonna change. I'm gonna write down post ideas on my Android now. That should help.
- I've been doing this healthy lifestyle thing for a while now, and I'm seeing little results. Well, on the scale, that is. My clothes feel looser, so that should be a good sign to me that what I'm doing is working. But I still want to see those damn numbers on that damn thing I step on every week to go down. Why won't the numbers budge??!? Especially if my clothes are feeling better?
- I've been focusing on cutting back on my calorie intake and eating a lot more fruits and vegetables, eating different colors, getting whole grains in, eating more fish, etc. But the other day I was just SICK of veggies. I think, though, that I was just sick of broccoli and cauliflower. That has been our standard, our go-to veggie staple when we're in a hurry or can't come up with anything else. I've kind of gotten over that hump now, since I've had some just awesome roasted broccoli/cauliflower the past 2 days. But they included brussels sprouts and asparagus, too. So maybe the change has helped. The other thing is I just wanted to tear into a burger the other day. Not a healthy thing. But I also realized that denying myself the burger was a pretty unhealthy idea, too. Too bad I didn't have that thought before I ordered my meal. Oh well, it's a journey.
- The past couple of times I've hit the pool it's felt like I've been swimming through Jell-O. What was once pretty easy to accomplish has just taken forever, with my muscles seeming to not want to cooperate with me and my lap speed taking a hit. It appears I've hit a proverbial wall with an exercise program. The trouble is, I don't really know what to do now. Do I take a break from the pool and do some cardio this week instead? Do I push through the soreness, stiffness and the burning muscles when I try to swim? Which is better? Which will help me get my lap times back up? I don't know.
- UConn beat Butler. I was pulling for Butler. I'm not frustrated they lost. That was a very distinct possibility. I'm disappointed that they couldn't shoot for *@#%!!! I mean, c'mon! How can you expect to win when you shoot 12-64 on the floor??!? I understand that teams have bad nights, but the championship game is NOT the place to all of a sudden go cold with your shooting! Sheesh! (BTW, congratulations to UConn. Even though I was cheering for Butler and I think they played like louts, you had an awesome tourney run and deserve the title, gents!)
- Now we come to my Twinkies....(That's the Minnesota Twins, for those of you not familiar with the endearing term for our beloved team). I don't know where to begin! I am certainly not a bandwagon fan, nor am I one who believes a baseball season is a sprint instead of a marathon, but...SERIOUSLY??!? Pitching was going to be questionable, but it's downright abysmal! And our batting? Ugh. Last night it was mentioned, before the game, I believe, that through the first 3 games the Yankees already had 11 home runs while the Twins only had 3 (THREE!) extra base hits!! Ouch! Seriously, Twins fans, there is no need to panic, yet. But this team HAS to settle down, or I'm going to be needing a case of Maalox a week before the All-Star break. Oh, and our high-priced, above-average hotshot middle infielder from Japan we just picked up? He already has 2 errors! I truly hope it's just nerves from playing over here in the US, but it's still the same game.
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