Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Okay. Enough is enough.

All the time I've been spending on here talking about how I've been doing so good, how I've been exercising, eating healthy and getting in better health? Well, that's kind of gone by the wayside for about 2 1/2 - 3 weeks. I've even had a hard time getting my "next meal or snack, on track" saying to work.

I know, I'm a hypocrite.

All I have are empty, easily countered excuses. It all started with me getting sick. I started feeling better, but then we went on a mini-vacation to my wife's family in northwestern Minnesota. I even brought clothes to work out in while there. They have a treadmill and live in the middle of nowhere, so an introspective walk in the country is easily accomplished. But I just didn't do it. I even relaxed my standards for eating.

I am very disappointed in myself.

All that changes, NOW. I'm back in my natural setting; my cubicle. (LOL!) I'm almost in a place to get back into my routine. The only reason I can't is because I came directly to work from my vacation hideaway and I didn't bring my swimsuit or workout clothes. So I can only concentrate on my diet until I get home. And then, when I get home, I can do some form of exercise. I actually feel like doing something, too, which is good. I haven't really felt like moving much in the past 3 weeks, so that's a nice kind of change.

The one thing that's been good about all this, though, is that I've still limited my TV time. I've watched parts of some Twins baseball -- even caught most of Francisco (Frankie) Liriano's no-hitter last night (yea!!), but haven't watched any sitcoms, dramas, movies or anything else. I feel rather proud of that. In TV's stead I've decided to revisit the books I was supposed to read in high school that I was too cool to actually read. It's a pretty heavy list, too. I got the idea from a website, of all places. They had a list of 100 books every guy should read, and I want to get to most, if not all, of them. (In case you're interested and have time, here's the URL: I'm not tackling it in any particular order, just whatever strikes my fancy when I need a new one. First up for me is Walden, from Thoreau. I think the second one will be The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri. Most of the books on that list are heavy, deep-thinking types of books. They'll probably keep me stocked with enough post material to last a long time. At least as a tie-in to my life and issues if not their deeper meanings in general. I promise not to bore you too much. But remember, this blog is a work-in-progress. I'm still trying to feel my way and get a topic, theme, main idea of sorts.

Okay. With the exception of that aside, this post was about me getting back into it. Water consumption. Veggies. Fruit. Whole grains. Exercise and fun movement. Cutting out soda. That is all restarting......


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